Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The basic concept of MVC pattern [3]

2.3 Model

MVC from the conceptual model of the system can be divided into two categories - the internal state of the system and change the system state action. Model is all your business logic code fragment located. This article provides a business entity object model and business process objects: all the business process objects are derived from ProcessBase class subclass. Business process object encapsulates the specific processing logic, business logic is called model, and the response submitted to the appropriate View component to produce the response. Business entity objects can be described by defining the property the client form data. All business entity objects EntityBase derived subclass object, business process objects can be directly read and write it, but no longer need and request, response object data exchange. Achieved through the business entity object model of the interaction between the view and support. Realized the "what" (business processes) and the "how" (business entity) separation. This enables reuse of business logic. Since each application specific business is different, this is no longer listed the specific code examples.

ASP.NET provides a good model to achieve this classic design a similar environment. ASPX page by developers to develop user interfaces to achieve the view; controllers feature logic function code (. Cs) to achieve; model usually corresponds to the operational part of the application system. Implement this design in ASP.NET to provide a multi-layer system structure to achieve a more classic ASP system has obvious advantages for. The user display (the view) from the action (controller) in the isolated, improved code reuse. The data (model) from the actions of its operation (controller) allows you to separate the design of a data storage and back-related systems. The nature of the MVC structure is concerned, it is a solution of the coupling system problems.

3, MVC advantages

Most of the process of language use such as ASP, PHP Web application development out of the initial development of the template is the mixed layer of the data programming. For example, send the request directly to the database and displayed using HTML, development speed is often faster, but because of the separation of data pages is not very direct, making it difficult to reflect the way the business model, or reuse of the model. Flexibility in product design efforts is very small, difficult to change to meet the user demand. MVC requires application layer, although due to the extra work, but clearly structured products, product application through the model can be better reflected.

First of all, the most important thing is there should be a model of multiple views corresponding to the capacity. In the current rapid changes in user requirements, it may be several ways to access applications. For example, the order model may be the order of the system, but also on-line orders, or orders for other systems, but the treatment is the same order, that order processing is the same. By MVC design pattern, an order models and multiple views can solve the problem. This reduces code replication, reducing the amount of code maintenance, once the model changes, but also easy to maintain. Second, due to model the data returned without any display format, so these models can be directly applied to the interface to use.

Again, because an application has been separated into three layers, one layer is sometimes changed to meet the application can change. An application or business rules, business process changes to the model layer only changes in MVC.

The concept of control layer is also very effective, because it put the different models and different views together to complete various requests, therefore, the control layer can be said to include the concept of user requests permission.

Finally, it is also beneficial to software engineering management. Perform their duties due to different layers, each layer has different applications some of the same characteristics that facilitate adoption of engineering, production management tools of program code.

4, MVC deficiency

MVC deficiencies in the following areas:

(1) increase the system structure and implementation complexity. For simple interface, strictly follow the MVC, the model, view and controller separation will increase the complexity of the structure, and may produce too much of the update operation, lower operating Xiaoshuai.

(2) between the view and controller too closely connected. View and controller are separated from each other, but it does closely linked components, views, there is no controller, its application is very limited, and vice versa, thus impeding their independent reuse.

(3) view the low efficiency of the model data access. User interface based on the different models, views may be necessary to call to get enough of display data. Not change data on the frequency of unnecessary visits will also damage the operational performance.

(4) At the moment, advanced interface tool or constructor does not support the MVC pattern. MVC transform these tools to meet the needs and the cost of the establishment of separate components is very high, resulting in difficulties in using the MVC.

5, MVC design pattern of expansion

By the MVC pattern in ASP.NET prepared, with a very good scalability. It can easily achieve the following functions:

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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Operation and further investment to maintain essential

1, Yao wave in ERP implementation process, and not from a change in IT director to CIO, feeling, or a technical manager. Yao Bo must implement the change from technology to business to be able always pampered.

2, information must implement the business support and promotion. In fact, the boss has also been pointed out in conversation the next step in the direction of: how the system can better support the marketing and product development. Yao wave of information technology blueprint for the departure from these two points, if the boss would be interested.

3, the enthusiasm from the implementation of the ERP to the current flat, the underlying reasons for what? ERP bring much benefit for the enterprise, Yao wave hearts have a few.

4, if you want to become a CIO, Yao wave should be thinking process management functions to get the hand.

5, ERP implementation is only a first step, operation and further investment to maintain essential support important than the implementation. Yao wave should be at this point to reach agreement with the owner.

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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Everyone doing B2C Who will win?

B2C e-commerce is an unstoppable trend, B2C Web site has shown a rapid growth trend Pozhu. The market is great, but competition is intense, and many of B2C Web site should have what kind of quality to win the market?

Everyone doing B2C Who will win?

"OCS is a traditional industry, sooner or later." Hai Group Chairman Lu Ruiqing recent years in the computer world will be e-commerce branch of the Internet, said the traditional combination of business and e-commerce has become a trend, traditional stores have to attack, set up Marketplace business and consumer direct channels of communication between, Dragon E-mall site has been launched, "Kubo IG personal portal" to provide search, marketing, sale, multi-service feedback.

In fact, before the Dragon, Daphne, groom Chinour, Digital and other large scale traditional enterprises have been involved in B2C.

B2C formidable

First in April 2008, formally launched Taobao Mall, Ali Group achieved total e-commerce business coverage, and then launched 3C Digital shopping site "share purchase net", but Daphne women footwear e-commerce website "Love Daphne, "as early as August 2007 had on the line. Today, many enterprises have increased web site, "online sales" or similar services, B2C mall just as the same as the original yellow pages into the universal.

In recent years several large B2C websites achieve sustainable development. Guo Zhaohui, vice president of the Amazon, according to excellent description, excellent sales of goods in the Amazon has more than one million kinds of varieties within 5 years increased by 40 times, including mobile phones, digital cameras, color TV, furniture, automotive supplies, etc., the current scale Lufthansa is equivalent to a dozen mall, more than 20 Wal-Mart supermarket. Rapid increase and product size corresponds to the rapid growth in turnover in 2008 reached 1.32 billion yuan with annual sales of Jingdong Mall, near 5-year average compound growth rate is as high as 340%. In addition, nine diamond mesh, Jingdong Mall, Chihiro network have successively won the favor of capital markets, Jingdong Mall is in the context of the financial crisis at the end of 2008 received 21 million U.S. dollars capital injection.

B2C online shopping market in 2008 can be described as the new favorite. Ereli research shows that online shopping in China started from the B2C, but in recent years are based on the development of C2C as the absolute mainstream. However, from 2007 to 2008 online shopping market trend changes, B2C is emerging as an important retail channel network, its low-cost, direct-to-consumer channel advantage is being more and more traditional enterprises cognition.

Guo Zhaohui said that "the future of the traditional enterprise, even if 'to the altar book market' are likely to be online." In addition, he is particularly bullish on the wireless e-commerce. The number of Internet users in China is around 300 million, nearly 600 million mobile phone users, whether in fixed or mobile phones, has more than 30% of users have online shopping experience. 3G into the market, the mobile terminal from the network speed, screen to enter the system in change, which brings convenience to users, but also brought about the diversification of means of payment.

Insiders pointed out that, B2C e-business reason for the rise, the most critical factor is the user's spending habits. After a long period of time, in people's minds in online shopping is only limited to clothes, shoes, like the "harmless" things, and online buying refrigerators, air conditioners, "incredible." As the impact of C2C mode, most users think that "online is parallel, fakes, no good thing," until the rise of a few large B2C websites, the consumer confidence in online shopping was able to establish.

China's huge market potential

Bring "the nation's largest IT online retailer of digital type," the name of the new egg net (Newegg.com) started the last two years cut a striking figure in the Chinese mainland market, the company Huxing Min, vice president of marketing, said the new egg decided to enter the Chinese market, the main reason is the "e-business environment is getting better." After 10 years of market cultivation, domestic e-commerce supporting the network infrastructure, payment, logistics and consumer habits are all part of the basic structures up, the overall environment is very good.

According to reports, early in 2001 set up a new egg to set up a China headquarters in Shanghai, and were set up in Xi'an and Chengdu R & D center and call center, but then the main work of these organizations support the United States. "At that time the main fancy technology and cost-effective customer service, all we have no choice in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hangzhou and other traditional Internet industry or focus city." Hu Xingmin explained.

Now, new eggs in mainland China with seven large stores, bought 80 acres of land in Jiaxing as the corporate headquarters.鑳″叴姘戠敤涓や釜缁嗚妭鍚戣鑰呰鏄庢柊铔嬪浜庡浗鍐呭競鍦虹殑閲嶈: 涓?槸鍏徃鍦ㄥ悇鍦扮殑涓昏鍔炲叕瀹ゃ?浠撳簱閮戒笉绉熻祦锛岃?鏄洿鎺ヨ喘涔? 浜屾槸缁忚繃璇勪及锛屽師鏈?涓囧钩鏂圭背浠撳簱灏卞彲浠ヨВ鍐崇洰鍓嶆柊铔嬪湪涓婃捣鍦板尯鐨勫競鍦洪渶姹傦紝鍏徃楂樺眰鏈?粓鍐冲畾璧峰缓闈㈢Н杈惧埌10涓囧钩鏂圭背锛屸?浠ラ?搴斿彂灞曡姹傗?銆?br />



銆??閮湞杈夋寚鍑烘秷璐硅?鍏跺疄骞朵笉鍏冲績B2C缃戠珯鐨勮繍钀ユā寮忥紝浜у搧澶氭牱鍖栥?渚垮埄鍜屼环鏍兼墠鏄秷璐硅?鎵?叧蹇冪殑鏍稿績銆傝儭鍏存皯鍒欏皢鏂拌泲鐨勪笁涓熀鏈斂绛栨?缁撲负鈥滀繚璇佷骇鍝佽川閲忋?鏋佸姏缁存寔浣庝环銆佸鎴锋弧鎰忚嚦涓娾?銆傛嵁浜嗚В锛屾柊铔嬩腑鍥藉湪鎴愮珛缃戠珯骞冲彴鐨勫悓鏃讹紝杩樻垚绔嬩簡涓?涓撲笟鐗╂祦鍏徃锛岀幇鍦ㄧ郴缁熸瘡澶?7鐐瑰墠鏀跺埌鐨勮鍗曚腑鏈?9%閮借兘鍦?4灏忔椂鍐呭彂璐у畬鎴愶紝杩欏凡鎴愪负鏂拌泲鍦ㄦ晥鐜囨柟闈㈢殑鍏堝ぉ浼樺娍銆?br />



銆??鐜嬪郴娑涗篃璁や负锛孊2C缃戠珯涓?畾瑕佸垎鏋愭竻妤氳嚜韬紭鍔裤?鈥滄湁鏃跺?闅旇濡傞殧灞憋紝鎴戝崠鏈嶈鍗栧緱濂斤紝鍙兘鏄洜涓烘垜鍥㈤槦閲屾湁涓?釜浜哄鏈嶈琛屼笟鐗瑰埆浜嗚В銆傚悓鏍风殑锛屽洟闃熶汉鏁颁笉鍙橈紝鍙槸缂轰簡杩欎箞涓汉锛屽埆浜哄氨鏄崠涓嶈繃鎴戙?鈥濅粬璁や负锛岀幇鍦ㄤ腑鍥界殑鐢靛瓙鍟嗗姟宸茬粡搴﹁繃浜嗏?鍚挋鏈熲?锛屽嵆灏嗚繘鍏モ?琛屽姩鏈熲?锛屼互鍓嶈瑙i噴鈥滀粈涔堟槸鐢靛瓙鍟嗗姟鈥濓紝鐜板湪鍒欒鍛婅瘔浜轰滑鈥滅數瀛愬晢鍔¤兘甯綘鍋氫粈涔堚?銆?br />


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