Thursday, September 23, 2010

Focus DreamWeaver MX 2004

Build a professional web sites and applications, advanced design tools, powerful, open integrated system; smooth development process.

Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004 offers many features strong visual design tools, application development environment, and code editing support. Enable developers and designers to create efficient code standard of applications, integration is a high level development environment to streamline the 楂樻晥, developers able to use Dreamweaver with the server Jishu 鏋勫缓 their powerful network application program interface Dao user data network service system.

Dreamweaver MX 2004 offers powerful standard-based management to ensure high-quality design, design environments to provide fast and efficient development of CSS code concise, professional norms of the site.

Dreamweaver MX 2004 is open and extensible. Give you maximum freedom and flexibility to select the most suitable for you today or in the future work of technology.

1. The world-class "design" and "code" editor combined refinement in the design window, the source code, so you can follow the work of the need to customize their user interface.

2. Use of the rich support for CSS style sheets to build the complex, the standard specification site. While providing a wealth of tools for rapid selection and style attributes control tools.

3. Cross-Browser Validation
When the Save automatically check the current document the effectiveness of cross-browser (compatible), you can specify which browser to test the browser automatically to ascertain the same time there is no target page the browser does not support tags or CSS structure. Dynamic cross-browser validation feature can automatically check tags and CSS rules to adapt to the current master browser (compatibility)

4. To use the built-in graphics editing program to develop more to save time.
Crop, zoom and some other complementary image-editing features can not leave dreamweaver will be able to complete editing tool is embedded Macromedia Fireworks technology.

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銆??浠嶮icrosoft Word 鍜孍xcel鐩存帴鎷疯礉绮樿创鍒癉reamweaver涓悓鏃朵繚瀛樺瓧浣撱?棰滆壊鍜孋SS鏍峰紡銆傚畬缇庢敮鎸乁nicode锛屾敮鎸佷娇鐢ㄥ拰璐瓨浠讳綍瀛椾綋浠ュ強缂栫爜(鍖呮嫭鍙屽瓧鑺傚瓧绗?

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銆??18.Microsoft ASP.NET Form鎺у埗瀵硅薄锛氫娇鐢ㄦ敼杩涘悗鐨凙SP.NET瀵硅薄鍜屽睘鎬ф鏌ュ伐鍏锋瀯寤烘搷浣淢icrosoft ASP.NET web forms

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銆??21.鏀寔Macromedia Flash鍏冪礌锛?br />銆??閫氳繃鍐呯疆鐨凢lash鏋勪欢锛孌reamweaver MX 2004澧炲姞浜嗛〉闈㈢殑浜や簰鎬э紝瀵煎叆涓?釜Flash鏋勪欢灏卞儚瀹氬埗鏍囩涓?牱杞绘澗銆?br />
銆??22.MX HTML鏋勪欢:
銆??鍒╃敤MX缁勪欢(鍖呮嫭鎸夐挳銆佹ā鏉?蹇?寤虹珛鏈夋晥鐨勭敤鎴风晫闈?br />
銆??23.鏀硅繘鐨勮〃鏍肩紪杈戝伐鍏?br />


銆??26.楂樻晥鐜囩殑鏂囦欢缂栬緫杩囩▼銆?br />


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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The pressure of free memory

Author: king_zh

And compared to similar software, WinRAM-Booster Pro features offered are very comprehensive, not only has the function of other memory optimization software, and user-friendly also spent a lot of thought. Because of its integration with the Windows operating system, good optimization of memory effect, have higher efficiency, it is worth a try.

Shown in Figure 1, running after WinRam-Booster Pro 2001 will see a very beautiful interface, which left a row of toolbar provides different features, click on the following can be a variety of memory optimization.

Figure 1

1, RAM Optimization (memory optimization)

Here to provide real-time dynamic curve of the current computer, CPU, memory, swap file and other system resources usage, so we glance, and thus according to their need for memory optimization, improve system performance. And use different colors and color transitions of the bars represent the memory, CPU, swap file usage statistics, including memory usage, said the red curve, green curve shows the CPU utilization, pink curve, said system swap file usage. Also, click on the right side of the "Resources" button can switch to the resource statistics chart, bar chart here that the user free use of resources, system resources, and graphics device interface idle idle resources in the three key factors affecting system performance.

When we feel the need for system slowdowns, when the memory order, just click the lower part of the "Optimize RAM" button to start the memory consolidation process. And suggesting that before this step before you press the "Clear the Clipboard" to store the contents of the clipboard empty, and then select the "Inteligent RAM Optimization" check box to the intelligent optimization. Of course, here is the optimization of memory manually, and if you want to process automatically in the background of this work, as long as the "Start Auto-Optimization every XXX minutes" in choosing the appropriate time (say 10 min). So you can enjoy working, learning and entertainment, WinRam-Booster Pro will help you organize your silent memory, shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2

2, Cache Optimization (cache file optimization)

WinRAM-Booster Pro provides optimized caching features, where you can set the application of our most popular categories: ordinary user, DVD, super-users, low-memory users, multimedia users and gamers, etc. several. And the program also provided for each user to set the appropriate parameters optimized, such as for DVD and multimedia users who need to set larger cache file. Optimized for cache files when the actual situation according to their choice as long as the application of different types, and then click on the lower part of the "Save Settings!" Button you can, at this time WinRAM-Booster Pro will automatically optimize the cache files, play the maximum efficiency of the cache to improve overall system performance, shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3

3, Shortcuts (specific optimization of memory)

When we run large-scale software like PhotoShop, or start Quake 鈪?such a huge game, in order to achieve a more satisfactory results, usually have to restart your computer to clear the memory resident data. Although by WinRAM-Booster Pro can pre-order memory, but the operation would become more troublesome, and might use it with program-specific optimization of memory function. So that we can for this particular program create a shortcut on the desktop, launch the application in time for memory optimization, to ensure that the re-run the memory needed to improve system performance.

Shown in Figure 4, when the first use of "Name of shortcut" dialog box, enter the name of the shortcut, and then "Browser ..." button from the need to optimize the hard drive to find the program file, and then adjust the requirements in the lower available memory size, and finally click "Create shortcut on desktop" button to create a desktop shortcut to the need. After these large-scale programs need to run time, as long as double-click the shortcut to create a good memory can be optimized first, and then start the program, we also can easily enjoy the system Gao Xingneng the.

Figure 4

4, Taskmonitor (Task Manager)

Since it is a memory management tool, WinRAM-Booster Pro course with a view to the functions of the currently running process. Shown in Figure 5, this list will have the current system, the functions of all running programs. Although it looks and the Windows Task Manager is included with almost, but the thin look will find the contents to be more abundant. In the list do not need to find their own programs, then click on "Terminate selected process" button to clear it out from memory, the release of more free space to other uses.

Figure 5

5, WinAlign GUI (system optimization)

This feature is for Windows 98 and Windows Me tailor-made, it can be EXE or DLL files to optimize the initial part of the bytes in these files is written in memory, so that when we need to frequently call these procedures when, WinRAM -Booster Pro will read directly from the memory-related data, greatly reducing the read from disk into memory of the time, so it can be as Office, OICQ and other procedures often require the use of speed optimization.

Shown in Figure 6, when the first pass using the upper part of "Choose a single file" button to add an EXE or DLL file formats, and then click the middle of the "Start aligining procedure" button to start optimizing operation. This time may be called Windows Disk Defragmenter to optimize the operation of the drive to be able to read consecutive bytes to the file. Running about after the completion of the corresponding program to see if the speed is not fast start of many?

Figure 6

Front about how WinRAM-Booster Pro uses specific functions, while the left click on "Settings" button then also be set to its in-depth, such as how much free memory is less than the time to optimize the settings, it automatically clears the memory without DLL files used, etc., but usually the system default parameters can be, interested friends may wish to study, not detailed here.

Finally, to tell you a secret: after installing WinRAM-Booster Pro, it will integrate itself into the Windows desktop, right click on the Recycle Bin shortcut menu, so we can not run WinRAM-Booster Pro Right-click the Recycle Bin icon on the case and Select one of the Optimize RAM command memory optimization.


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